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Embodied Resilience Logo - Embodied Resilience
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Working Together to Build Your Best Life

Understanding and navigating ADHD, Defining Healthy Boundaries, Trauma, and Complex PTSD for Individuals, Students, Couples, and Indigenous People.
Book An Appointment

If you need help with...


Adult ADHD

You're seeking to navigate the complexities of adult ADHD with personalized support, aiming to integrate ADHD into your sense of self and enhance your life with tailored strategies and a wealth of resources designed to help you thrive.


You're seeking to transform your relationship through improved communication, with sessions designed to foster kindness, empathy, and effective interaction, breaking negative patterns and nurturing a deeper connection between you and your partner.

Healthy Boundaries

You're looking to navigate and establish healthy boundaries in your relationships, with personalized guidance on setting, enforcing, and maintaining boundaries that honor your space and dignity, fostering self respect and understanding.

Complex PTSD/Trauma

You're seeking to heal from the effects of complex trauma, offering a compassionate space for personal and community healing, focusing on reconnecting with your sense of self, and/or cultural identity.

Embracing Identity and Thriving

You are keen to embrace your identity, including your ADHD entirely, and are eager to learn strategies that enable you to thrive, not just survive. This includes successfully navigating complex relationships and professional environments and achieving personal goals.

People we serve

Book a consultation today to see how I can help in the following areas of expertise;
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Nurture personal growth, mental resilience, and stronger relationships in a secure, personalized setting.
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Enhance communication, strengthen bonds, and resolve conflicts in a collaborative, nurturing space.
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Offers emotional support, coping strategies, and personal development in an understanding environment.
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Provides culturally-sensitive support, healing, and empowerment in a respectful, understanding space.

1-On-1 therapy to meet your unique needs

Virtual Therapy

Personalized virtual therapy one-on-one, all from the comfort of your own home.

In-Person Therapy at Embodied Resilience

Serving London, Kitchener, Hamilton and surrounding communities with personalized face-to-face therapy.

How it works

Ready to get started?


How it works

Ready to get started?

In our first session, I'll ask what brings you to therapy and explore your life's broader context. As we talk, deeper issues often emerge, shifting our focus.
Therapy is a journey; some clients resolve initial concerns quickly, while others uncover new areas to explore. The direction of our sessions will evolve uniquely to meet your needs and discoveries along the way.

Latest Wellness News

Stay informed, inspired, and engaged with articles that delve into ADHD research, personal stories, strategies, and tips for adults with ADHD.
July 5, 2024

The Hidden Struggle of Indigenous Identity Confusion – And How to Cope

Navigating Indigenous identity confusion is a deeply personal and often challenging journey. In this article, I share my experiences of grappling with my heritage, the fear of being labeled a "Pretendian," and the emotional challenges that come with rediscovering one's roots. By exploring historical context, modern challenges, and practical strategies, this guide offers insights and support for anyone on a similar path to embracing their Indigenous identity. Join me as we delve into the complexities of identity, community, and self-discovery.
June 28, 2024

Unlocking Self-Care for BIPOC Women Over 40

Embracing Self-Care Self-care is essential yet often overlooked, especially for BIPOC women over 40. Many of us juggle numerous responsibilities, from family and work to community commitments, often neglecting our own needs. Self-care is not just about luxury but about finding moments that rejuvenate mind, body, and soul. The Unique Journey of BIPOC Women Our […]
May 27, 2024

Turn Stress into Success: 5 Unbeatable Strategies for Students!

Introduction Stress—a word we're all too familiar with, especially in student life. It can be overwhelming to know where to begin in tackling stress, but remember, while we can't completely avoid it, we can learn to turn stress into an ally that helps us reach our goals. Let's explore five unbeatable strategies for students to […]

Some of Our Presentations

CBT for Children & Adolescents – Thoughts, Feelings, & Behaviors: Is it really that simple?
Advanced Skills for the Trauma-Informed Therapist
"Surviving the Teenage Years" (3-part series)
"Oppositional, Defiant, and Disruptive Children & Adolescents"
Child Abuse, Development, & Teenage Sex: Everything You Need to Know
Trauma Focused Compassionate Classrooms

schedule a presentation or workshop

If you are interested in having Embodied Resilience Counseling Services conduct a workshop, presentation, or seminar for your workplace or group, please contact us.

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