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Wellness News

Dive into Wellness News, where you'll find a thoughtful collection of articles, expert advice, and personal stories designed to support and enrich your journey towards mental and emotional wellness.
July 5, 2024

The Hidden Struggle of Indigenous Identity Confusion – And How to Cope

Navigating Indigenous identity confusion is a deeply personal and often challenging journey. In this article, I share my experiences of grappling with my heritage, the fear of being labeled a "Pretendian," and the emotional challenges that come with rediscovering one's roots. By exploring historical context, modern challenges, and practical strategies, this guide offers insights and support for anyone on a similar path to embracing their Indigenous identity. Join me as we delve into the complexities of identity, community, and self-discovery.
June 28, 2024

Unlocking Self-Care for BIPOC Women Over 40

Embracing Self-Care Self-care is essential yet often overlooked, especially for BIPOC women over 40. Many of us juggle numerous responsibilities, from family and work to community commitments, often neglecting our own needs. Self-care is not just about luxury but about finding moments that rejuvenate mind, body, and soul. The Unique Journey of BIPOC Women Our […]
May 27, 2024

Turn Stress into Success: 5 Unbeatable Strategies for Students!

Introduction Stress—a word we're all too familiar with, especially in student life. It can be overwhelming to know where to begin in tackling stress, but remember, while we can't completely avoid it, we can learn to turn stress into an ally that helps us reach our goals. Let's explore five unbeatable strategies for students to […]
May 22, 2024

Supporting Your Neurodivergent Partner:
5 Ways to Foster Understanding and Connection in Your Relationship

Living with a neurodivergent partner, comes with its unique set of challenges and rewards. As a supportive spouse, it's essential to cultivate an environment of empathy, understanding, and collaboration. Here are five actionable ways to strengthen your relationship and support your neurodivergent partner. 1. Educate Yourself: Understanding ADHD is the first step towards building a […]
April 29, 2024

Navigating Motherhood with ADHD

The journey of motherhood is challenging, complex, and rich with emotion, especially for those living with ADHD. The stigma associated with ADHD often intersects with a unique form of misogyny, particularly aimed at mothers. This blend of prejudice can increase the risk of self-stigmatization as mothers with ADHD may internalize harmful stereotypes and beliefs. ADHD […]
April 19, 2024

Think You Might Be Neurodiverse?
Discover How to Get Assessed in Ontario!

Introduction Have you ever felt like your brain's wiring is a bit different from others? Maybe you've noticed you process information, react to emotions, or handle tasks differently from your family, friends, people at work or school. If these thoughts resonate with you, you might be part of the wonderfully diverse group known as neurodiverse […]
April 11, 2024

Redefine your boundaries:
The over 40 Women’s guide to saying no!

Embracing Boundaries After 40 Welcome to a candid conversation about boundaries, tailored for the vibrant lives of women over 40. As we journey through life's chapters, the significance of boundaries becomes increasingly apparent. These invisible lines that guard our personal space and principles are vital for navigating the complexities of relationships and commitments with grace […]
March 4, 2024

You Won't Believe How ADHD Time Blindness Is Hijacking Your Day!

Hey folks, As I’ve explained before, the journey to my own ADHD diagnosis began through the process of my daughter getting her own ADHD diagnosis. The similarities in our behaviours and personalities were striking, leading me to realize that I should probably get assessed as well. This experience brought to light not only my ADHD […]
January 18, 2024

Are You An Adult Newly Diagnosed with ADHD? Why It's OK to Grieve

So, you've just been handed the ADHD label in your adult life, huh? Well, welcome to the club! As a therapist who not only chats about ADHD but also lives it (surprise diagnosis party in my late 30s!), I get how topsy-turvy this rollercoaster can feel. For me, it was a game-changer in every sense […]
January 8, 2024

Revolutionize Your New Year's Resolutions with ADHD in Mind

Hello there! If you're navigating the vibrant world of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, or ADHD, you've probably heard all sorts of advice about routines and structures. But what if I told you that the real key to success might just lie in being flexible? Yes, you heard that right! Flexibility could be your superpower when […]
December 1, 2023

What is the Eisenhower Matrix? And How to Use It.

ADHD, affectionately known as the "always dialed to high drive" condition, can sometimes make you feel like you're a circus performer, juggling flaming swords while unicycling - on a tightrope. It's an exciting cocktail of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity that can turn the seemingly simple task of organizing into a mountain climb, sans equipment Imagine […]
November 15, 2023

Discovering and Navigating ADHD in Adulthood

Understanding Adult ADHD has been a puzzle for many, despite the common occurrence of the condition. It affects various facets of life, such as staying organized, completing tasks on time, and maintaining attention. Children with ADHD often exhibit symptoms of distraction and inattentiveness in class or during sports activities. However, ADHD is not confined to […]
November 1, 2023

My child has been diagnosed with ADHD; What does that mean for me?

Hi, my name is Robert, and I wear a few different hats in life. I'm a professional therapist, which means that I've spent a lot of time learning about the intricacies of the human mind. I'm also a parent, a role that has taught me more about love, patience, and the wonders of 3am wake-up […]
October 15, 2023

Emotion Behind Intellect: Understanding Men's Emotional Complexity

In the vast and diverse landscape of human emotions, emotional intelligence stands as a beacon of hope, a tool to understand ourselves and others better. Oxford Reference defines emotional intelligence as the "ability to monitor one's own and other people's emotions, to discriminate between different emotions and label them appropriately, and to use emotional information […]
October 1, 2023

10 Unbelievable Ways ADHD Can Actually Boost Your Creativity!

Hi, let me tell you a little about myself. Yes, I’m a licensed therapist, but that’s just one of the many roles I play. Besides being a loving parent and spouse, I also navigate the currents of a demanding career while managing a life marked by a late-diagnosis of ADHD. Surprised? It certainly was a […]

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