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Shaneen Duffield

About Shaneen

Who I am

Growing up adopted, especially coming from Bangladesh to Canada at the age of three months, imbued my life with a unique set of challenges. This seismic shift not only uprooted me geographically but also instilled a profound sense of dislocation in my personal and cultural identity. The trauma of feeling disconnected from my biological roots while simultaneously trying to graft onto a new cultural tapestry was bewildering. 

I often found myself caught in the tangle of questioning who I was meant to be, feeling like an outsider peering into two worlds, yet not fully belonging to either. This internal struggle was a constant companion, shaping my journey towards understanding and accepting the multifaceted nature of my identity. 

Now, as I navigate the season of midlife, I draw upon my personal journey and professional expertise to guide others through their own paths of self-discovery and positive transformation.

My Specialty

Specializing in empowering BIPOC women over 40 to overcome people-pleasing and isolation by setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care and building meaningful relationships for a more connected, fulfilling life.

My Professional Journey

Navigating the complexities of work, family, and caregiving has deeply ingrained in me the significance of setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care. Through my own struggles and those I've witnessed in my work, I've come to understand how crucial boundaries are in maintaining our mental health and preventing caregiver burnout. 

In my role as a therapist, I emphasize to my clients that establishing boundaries isn't about distancing ourselves from others but about safeguarding our well-being. It's a delicate balance, ensuring we don't lose our sense of self amid the competing demands placed upon us. I work with my clients to recognize the importance of setting boundaries, not as a rejection of others but as an affirmation of their own needs and limitations. This shift in perspective is often a pivotal moment in therapy, empowering individuals to engage more fully in their lives and relationships, with a renewed sense of clarity and purpose.

Having walked, and continuing to walk, the path of personal exploration and growth myself, I'm deeply committed to creating a compassionate and safe space for my clients to delve into their own histories, celebrate their individuality, and pave their way to a more fulfilling future. Life's journey, with its solo battles and intricate interpersonal intricacies, can be daunting. Yet, in my work, I strive to offer not just deep empathy but also thoughtful guidance, empowering my clients to move through life's mazes with both strength and elegance. Whether it's untangling the knots of the past or co-creating strategies for a brighter tomorrow, my aim is to stand beside each client, supporting their journey toward healing and personal growth.

My Interests

- visiting quaint towns on the weekend with family,
- reading on a dock by water
- expanding my record collection with music from a wide variety of genres.

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